To most people little is known about magnesium and organic sulfur and nearly every physician does not prescribe them. But the combination of both minerals is gaining patronage for its various health benefits, according to Mary Jean Netario Cruz, Founder and Chief-Executive-Officer of the Soup of the Day, a wellness group, which helps clients’ wellbeing capitalizing on the power of these natural nutrients and self-empowerment coaching.

“You’ll be amazed with the miracle-like healing properties,” Cruz said.  “This mineral combination rocks the mind of those who have experienced the healing power.”

Cruz, a certified wellbeing coach and a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, called this mineral blend ‘the epigenetics precursors.’

“If we look at the power of magnesium, this is called ‘the spark of life’,” said Cruz who studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. “Dr. Carolyn Dean simply put it as ‘if there is no magnesium, there is no energy, no movement, no life.’”

Dean is both a medical doctor and a naturopath doctor based in the United States, author of the book The Magnesium Miracle.

Magnesium is a great conductor to the body’s orchestrated symphony, Cruz explained. When something went wrong with the conductor health declines, noting that magnesium is found in each cell in our bones, muscles and tissues and extracellular as well.

According to Cruz, who is also a member of the Nutritional Magnesium Association, the World Health Organization mentioned in one of its reports that more than 350 enzymes in the human body rely on magnesium to function properly.

“Every cell needs energy and the cell needs it in every step of the way” the Magi Coach said. “As you breathe you use magnesium, as you produce insulin to guide glucose to enter into the cell to convert it to energy. Magnesium is present in every process.”

Cruz also noted that unlike cholesterol, the body couldn’t manufacture magnesium; one has to replete his magnesium level from food or mineral supplement.

Organic sulfur, on the other hand, carries the oxygen and raids the carbon dioxide in the body, she explained.

“It is a great detoxifier, has anti-inflammatory properties and is very good for the skin, nails and hair,” Cruz said. “It is a precursor for glutathione production. Garlic, onions, ginger and turmeric are very rich in organic sulfur and I would like to add that to our very own manila elemi and pili nut kernel oil, which are also rich with these two wonderful minerals [magnesium and organic sulfur].”

The Soup of the Day’s magnesium-organic sulfur combo in spray bottle is a product of two years of research and health cases with warm bodies to attest, plus all the research out there that can be found on the internet, Cruz said.

The most scientific research in her treasure trove of books is the Magnesium in the Central Nervous Systempublished by the University of Adelaide in South Australia, a compilation of researches on magnesium and organic sulfur with contributors worldwide.

According to Cruz the magnesium and sulfur combination can help health concerns like high blood pressure (heart diseases), diabetes, high LDL cholesterol, arthritis and gout, adrenal insufficiency and ckd, uti, gangrene, burns (regular and radiation burns), herpes, ulcers, cysts, alzheimers, autism, muscle cramps, pins and needles, frozen shoulders, asthma, back and shoulder pains, urine and bowel movement (especially for post operations), pain management (cancer and pre and post orthopedic operation), constipation, wounds and skin diseases, hot flashes, reynaud’s syndrome, cystitis, insomnia, stress, stomach ache, dyspepsia, pneumonia, asthma, primary complex, immune system disorder.

Cruz quoted Dean as saying that degenerative diseases are caused by magnesium deficiency. Dean mentioned in her book how she saw executives and athletes who suffer from anxiety and panic attack melt into tears. Instead of sedatives and anti-depressants, she gave them magnesium and they get well.

Magnesium is depleted by chronic stress, diuretics (caffeine, alcohol, blood pressure drugs), and refined carbohydrates, said Cruz. Depletion triggers depression, sadness, apathy, bone loss, muscle spasm, blood thickening and cholesterol.

According to Cruz, magnesium blocks calcium from entering into the cell by inhibiting the NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor. Without magnesium, calcium would flood the cell and pain would be felt in the body. The mineral combo easily relieves swelling cause by inflammation.

Experts revealed that excess calcium in the body depletes magnesium.

Cruz pointed out that the ocean and spring are rich in these minerals as well as other trace minerals that soaking in their water is a relaxing experience because they dilate veins thus providing better blood circulation.

However, transdermal therapy is the fastest way to top up magnesium and organic sulfur in the body at the cellular level, Cruz explained. This method bypasses both the digestive and renal system, thus avoiding the laxative effect of magnesium when taken in high doses and its 1 percent maximum presence in bloodstream, she said.

The cells directly absorb both minerals and only what is needed is absorbed, the rest are given to other cells.

Cruz has a health-coaching clinic at home and at Soulstice Spa at #2 Granada Street, Quezon City where she does individual and group coaching on integrative wellness. She also does corporate wellness program and conducts free seminars and training for aspiring Magi Coaches to certifying them.

Cruz started helping clients only last May but she is happy so far with the mileage she achieved for so short a time.